вторник, 21 июля 2009 г.

The Cream

Testosterone Epitestosterone (Testosterone + epitestosterone) 4-androstene-3-one, 17beta-OL + epitestosterone Molecular weight (testosterone): 288.43 Molecular Weight (epitestosterone): 288.42 Formula (testosterone): C19 H28 O2 Formula (epitestosterone): C19 H28 O2 Melting point (testosterone): 155 Melting point (epitestosterone): 155 Effective Dose (men): 25-100mgs/day Working life: 24 hours Detection time: not detectable Anabolic: Androgenic ratio: 100:100 The cream is slang name given to Victor Conte designer steroid containing transdermal testosterone and epitestosterone, which was developed by BALCO, to avoid testing for drugs. Although testosterone, of course, anabolic steroids, epitestosterone simply inactive epimer of the parent hormone hormone. The reason for the latter, will be included in the "cream" was beaten to the testosterone doping tests are based on the testosterone: epitestosterone ratio. Approximately 50% of the production of epitestosterone in the testicles of male humans (1), the rest is done by other means (2). In general, the ratio of 1:1 is normal testosterone: epitestosterone ratio. And testosterone and epitestosterone (3) can be checked to test for doping control. All good so far, right? Okay, if you use exogenous testosterone, the rate screw-you I'm just saying. Thus, the ratio of 2:1 or 3:1 means that your testosterone level (relative to your epitestosterone levels) are in the upper part. If this ratio is too high, it is a red flag in a doping test, and a fairly good indicator that someone has violated the rules. Tour de France is considering the ratio of 4:1, and not the level, while the NFL has considered the report of 6:1, is not (and the IOC). Frankly, most people will pass the doping test, if only using a small amount of testosterone injectable suspension on a daily basis. But you can use many more "cream", you will never be able to use the type of testosterone drugs and still test clean. Say to 100mg every day or every day could easily be used, and continues to do to clean the blood. It would be more than enough (for example) to provide an advantage to an athlete trying to shave milliseconds 100m sprint time, or even a lifetime homerun record (* cough cough *). From a practical point of view, it offers all the benefits of testosterone without detection. So, as you probably guessed, "cream" is actually only to be valuable for testing drugs by athletes. Barry Bonds, Jason Giambi and Gary Sheffield have used all the cream, and got a very good factor in strengthening the dynamics of it. A cream, because it would be very useful for athletes trying to improve their capacity to recover muscle mass and strength levels without captured. For recreational bodybuilder, and those who are not subject to the Athletic blood variety, it is a waste of money. It will not produce very high levels of testosterone, if you're practically swimming in the thing, and it is certainly not to provide a high level to be considered for a couple with a 2-weeks 3mls decent injection doses of testosterone. If you do not have to be tested, therefore, that the product is only to provide an advantage for those who try to beat drug tests. One of my friends have likened to flying stealth bombers across the country, which has no radar. Obviously, you do not want to find the "cream" (BALCO version) available anywhere on the black market, but if you are an athlete drug-testing and can get their hands on something similar it would be very costly. References: 1. The secretion of human testicular epitestosterone, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1993 Feb; 44 (2) :171-7. 2. Characterization of 17α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity (17α-HSD) and its involvement in the biosynthesis epitestosterone, BMC Biochemistry 2005, 6:12, 14 July 2005. 3. Detection of epitestosterone doping by Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, Clinical Chemistry, 2002, 48:629-636.

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